Metronome Update — July 2019
In July 2019, the team continued efforts to expand both the Metronome ecosystem and the Metronome community. Through meetups, AMAs, and even a cover story, the team furthered the narrative of Metronome as a built-to-last cryptocurrency — and one that can hop between chains.
Here are a few highlights from July.
The AMAs
Metronome team members were available for two AMAs during July. The first was in the Metronome Telegram with Chief Designer Jeff Garzik and Principal Engineer Manoj Patidar. There, they discussed the next chainhops, structure of the Validator Network (and its future phases), and community outreach.
The second AMA took place in the Messari Telegram, where questions were submitted prior to the AMA. The Messari team chose questions and posited them to Manoj, reflecting many of the themes from the previous AMA
These two AMAs served as opportunities for the community speak with Jeff and Manoj, and also exposed Metronome to a new community in Messari.
The Meetup
Metronome project lead Jordan Kruger came to Chicago in July to present Metronome. The Chicago Blockchain Center hosted the meetup and about thirty people attended. Over pizza and refreshments, Jordan discussed how the Metronome contract set worked, why chainhops are important, and the hard work put into building the ecosystem.
As always, if you wish to host a meetup or know one where the Metronome team should present, let the team know on and provide the relevant information.
Gokhshtein Cover Story
The new cryptocurrency and lifestyle magazine, Gokhshtein, did a cover story on Jeff Garzik this July as well. In it, Jeff discusses his interactions with Satoshi Nakamoto, Bloq, BloqLabs, and Metronome.
Chainhops were front and center when discussing Metronome.
He also said that Metronome’s components as a whole make it “DeFi” before DeFi was even a thing. (DeFi is another topic Jeff teased during his AMA.)
Just over a month since the first chainhops between Ethereum and Ethereum Classic, 25,351.3 MET has been moved to the Ethereum Classic blockchain, with 83.3888 MET moved back to Ethereum (at press time). Expect more to come with further chainhop options and additional community outreach. The team looks forward to continuing to expand the Metronome ecosystem with the community.
More to come,