Metronome Minute: Matt Kirincic
In the Metronome Minute, we ask members of the Metronome team a few questions about their role, expertise, and what interests them about the cryptocurrency. This week we feature DeFi Strategy team member Matt Kirincic.
What is your role on the Metronome team?
I recently joined the Metronome team by way of my work with BloqLabs. Most of my focus thus far has been in exploring opportunities for Metronome in the open finance ecosystem.
What excites you most about Metronome?
I am most excited about the potential for Metronome to function as a fungible asset on multiple blockchains.
Should we evolve to a point where decentralized networks play an integral role in the consumer internet, it is likely a small number of base chains will come to serve as highly secure, unquestionably decentralized settlement layers (L1) for most transactions and activity on smaller blockchain networks. Metronome is designed for this scenario.
What do you think have been the greatest challenges in bringing this cryptocurrency to life?
Bringing any cryptocurrency to life is incredibly difficult, and, in my view, no one has truly succeeded yet. The Metronome team has thought so far into the future in the design of MET, that many of its most prescient virtues — such as it’s posture towards longevity via cross-chain portability — will not be appreciated until many aspects of the space mature.
What do you hope will be the most-used application of Metronome?
Ultimately, I hope Metronome’s most used-application becomes its cross-chain interoperability (aka chain hops). Metronome’s three mechanisms for trading and acquisition (daily auction, autonomous converter, exchange) offer additional opportunities for price discovery on each compatible chain. As value flows and distributes between the converter contracts on different chains, the foundation of Metronome becomes increasingly more reliable, useful and resilient.
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