Metronome Chainhop Update
Chainhops in a Quarter of the Time
The Metronome team is proud to present the latest upgrade to its chainhop capability: a significant reduction in the cross-chain validation period.
Chainhop Upgrade
On January 7th at UTC 2:10pm, a MET chainhop from the Ethereum to the Ethereum Classic blockchain completed in approximately six hours, versus the 24 hours users have experienced up to this point. This transfer was confirmed in block #9544236 on the ETC blockchain.
The 24-hour period for chainhops originally came from an overabundance of caution to ensure that chain attacks weren’t happening on the destination chain, causing a loss of funds. After study, the team found that cutting this period to six hours was still more than enough to satisfy this requirement.
This update allows Metronome users to be further confident in the speed and utility of chainhops. Now that the import and export features available to validators has just received an upgrade, we expect to see more people try out this feature.
Make sure to stay up to date with future developments in Metronome. We will continue to improve our features and products for the DeFi market.
More to come,
The Metronome Team
Isaiah Jackson is Community Manager for the Metronome Project.